Greend HVO

GREEND HVO (hydrated vegetable oil) is a synthetic diesel replacement that’s a safe, stable, sustainable, high-quality fuel option that does not require any changes to your existing fleet. With a 90% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions over fossil fuels, the odourless GREEND HVO gives you cleaner fuel and cleaner combustion helping increase the lifespan of emission control systems as well as improving engine cleanliness.
It is so easy to switch to GREEND HVO. This biofuel is already compatible with your current diesel fleet and saving you money in the long term with lower maintenance costs. Just drop in and go, it’s that easy! GREEND HVO gives superior performance with serious power in the cold weather and can be stored for long periods of time.
HVO, short for hydrotreated vegetable oil, is a biofuel derived from animal, plant or algae remains. Unlike traditional liquid fuels like fossil petroleum, natural gas and coal, biofuels like HVO are considered to be renewable energy sources. This is because the materials used for creating HVO diesel can be quickly and easily replenished.
HVO is a paraffinic bio-based liquid fuel created by either hydrogenation or hydrocracking of vegetable oil.
Because the materials used for the creation of HVO can be easily replenished, these fuels are often referred to as green or renewable diesel.
Contrary to what the name suggests, HVO is no longer exclusively made from vegetable oils. This name originated from the last decade when the only feedstock available to produce HVO was types of vegetable oils. Now, HVO can be made from a much wider range of materials, including residual animal fat from the food industries, tall oil by-products, used cooking oil, and more.
GREEND HVO is certified according to the Renewable Energy Directive (REDII).
GREEND HVO fuel is certified by the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification organisation (ISCC).
We are supplied with a certificate authenticating the Renewability and Sustainability of the product as well as the overall GHG CO2e (g/MJ) figure associated with the shipment and comparing that with an internationally recognised reference figure for fossil transport fuel.
The 90% reduction claim is a median GHG reduction figure based upon HVO fuel technology.
GREEND HVO fuel is certified by the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification organisation (ISCC).
We are supplied with a certificate authenticating the Renewability and Sustainability of the product as well as the overall GHG CO2e (g/MJ) figure associated with the shipment and comparing that with an internationally recognised reference figure for fossil transport fuel.
The 90% reduction claim is a median GHG reduction figure based upon HVO fuel technology.